Thursday, March 27, 2014

Shoebox Swap!

So, as a demonstrator, I get special access to ideas and workshops (you can, too! Just sign up by clicking the Owl Family on the right). But, this April 4 and 5, Julie Davison, a Founder's Circle member and friend, is co-producing an annual event called, "Spring into Stamping!" Even though her demonstrators had first-dibs, it is now open to the public and there are just a couple tickets left. If you are interested, let me know.

But, I wander. My point is that one of the fun things about events like this is all the SWAPS! I have never done a "shoebox" swap before, but I signed up this year. In my naivete, I thought it was literally a "shoebox" full of cards that I made that I would swap with other people. I started hunting through the house for a clean Nike box. Then I got the email that explains what a shoebox swap is. Step it up!

Here is part of the message:

"Interesting folds, cuts, and unique looks or techniques are always a hit. Cards should be quick and easy – but have a “WOW” factor to them.Put your projects into an interesting container, remember this is a shoebox swap and it makes it easier to keep your project all together in one location. Get creative and use something that will make others say "what a cute idea!" 

Um, ok, so I have to "WOW" people who already spend their lives creativly "wowing" people. No pressure.

Now, I am usually pretty laid back about these kinds of things, but this time, I was really stressing about what kind of project to design. It's not like I really care what these people think of my project (right! I am such a liar!). But I do want to at least generate a little "wow." Or maybe an "oh, that's cute." Or something.

SOOOO, I went to the web and was inspired by Cindy Shuster of Nutmeg Creations, a Stampin' Up! Artisan team member (yes, I have high expectations for myself).

Here is what I finally came up with:

Stay tuned tomorrow when I reveal the "shoebox" that should also "wow" people! We'll see.

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